For many hours until about 30 minutes ago I was feeling a little down. And that’s ok because I’m human and I fight battles too.  But in the very midst of my (self) drawn out moment I hear “ASPIRE STACY!” How many of you know that we can bite that bait and lay down on things instead of giving the enemy walking papers?? So I asked aspire to what??
Aspire to rise above your limitations,
Aspire to move beyond adversity,
Aspire to jump over life’s hurdles,
Aspire to climb above and over your mountains,
Aspire to look past the naysayers, downers, pretenders and purpose killers,
Aspire to be all that God has created you to be,
Hold your head up that you may clearly see what HE has shaped you to be.
Get up!!! Look up!!! Suit up!!! And keep moving…

“Party of One”

We come into this world as one,
We shall leave this world also as one,
Before the throne of God we will stand as one,
And judgement will be received one by one.
You are without a doubt a party of one,
Haven’t you heard that from someone, anyone?
You are a party of one, not two or three,
So let this truth break chains and set you free!

“Look Up!”

The enemy wants to kill me,
He wants nothing more than to sift us like wheat,
He wants to bring forth doubt, chaos and confusion,
Oh yes, he wants to take our minds off of Jesus,
Because when our minds wander off, the enemy can play,
And as we begin thinking of our circumstances he begins to have his way,
Yet we have to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus,
Because only HE can put back together the scattered pieces,
Are you broken, downtrodden and on the verge of giving up?
Just stop where you are and in the midst of it all, LOOK UP!
LOOK UP to the Holy One that provides strength in weakness,
LOOK UP to the Holy One that gives peace when you feel no peace,
LOOK UP to the Holy One who is the Author and Finisher of our faith,
LOOK UP to the Only ONE that can stand adversity and the evil one directly in the face,
LOOK UP to the Holy ONE who loves you unconditionally,
LOOK UP to the Holy ONE that is ALL YOU NEED.
Call on HIS name, submit to God and the devil must flee,
Come before the Holy One with Gratitude, Thanksgiving and Praise,
Bless His Holy Name because HE is more than worthy!
Glory Hallelujah Father, I thank you for saving me.
Through valleys high and valleys low,
Through the scorching in the fiery furnace, I’m coming out like pure gold,
At the name of Jesus, not even demons can stay,
Call on him throughout your day and watch them run away,
For what the enemy meant for bad, God will turn to good,
Just hold tight, trust him, and watch him bring you through!
I’m in a battle with the Mighty One in the forefront,
And the battle is already won, I rejoice because God never steps off post,
He is the One Who is, Who Was and Is to come,
Give the highest glory today and everyday to the Most Holy One!
ⓒ 2015

“No Greater Love”

Right is not Wrong and Wrong can never be right,
No matter how much you pretend and try to dress it up,
And darkness can never overcome the POWER of Light,
Unless the inside of a person has willfully become corrupt.

True love will never-ever falter or fail,
Because it’ll go the distance and through obstacles prevail,
Love comes with challenges, the seen and unforseen,
But real love is patient and kind, and never vicious or mean.

Death is real my friends, no one can escape this fate,
Yet it has no sting for those who will accept and meet HIM in grace,
There is no greater love than what our Father has given through Jesus Christ,

And because HE first loved me I desire to serve HIM all my life!

Free Will HE had, and chose willingly to bear our cross,
To reclaim each earthly human being that was bound with sin and lost,
It was Jesus who paid our debt, we were purchased at a price,
A price we could never repay so as restitution HE gave HIS life.

Thank you my Father and God for paying the debt I owed,
And from the fruit of my lips forever and ever, praise and worship shall flow!

ⓒ 2015

“In It To Win It”

I’m so tense and I’m so stressed
All absorbed with tons of mess
I’m so tired and oh so weak
It’s getting hard to stand on my own two feet
But I’m not a quitter, I never have been
I won’t give in I must fight to win
I might get knocked down once or twice
But the same knockout punch won’t hit me thrice
“Bobbin and Weavin” from side to side
With trust that my Father will be my guide
With the ups and downs and in the highs and lows
The outcome of this journey only God truly knows
But I’m going to fight hard, I’m going to fight to the finish
I won’t let what He’s promised me fade or diminish
I’m going to stand on His promises to get me through
Yes, I know if I stand with my Father I cannot lose
For nothing can separate me from His love
A love so greatly showered from up above
I won’t give up, No I’m going to fight to win
I have taken the last punch across the chin
I’m going to Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight to the finish
I’m going to bob and weave, like I’m in it to win it!

“This Place”

Where am I and how did I get to this place?

Caught somewhere in between first  and second base

Not quite sure how to move forward without the need to look back

But I cannot stay here long and that’s a fact

Not sure what I want but I know I’m in need

I’m hungry and in search of fulfillment in which to feed

I can’t make it without YOU, please take my hand

Lord guide me through the many obstacles all across the land

Show me that YOU care and help me to know I’m loved

With the best kind of love that comes from Above!

How did I ever get to this place and this point  in life?

Was it when my best friend suddenly lost his life?

I don’t like this place, I don’t wish to stay here 

For being in this place brings forth a plethora of tears

I want to move forward in life, I have so much more to do

But in order to move forward I have to embrace the new 

The new things that are trying to branch forth in my life

But to reap I must let go to reach greater heights

No more lingering around between first and second base

No, It’s time to keep moving to cross over home plate!





“Get Out of Bed”

I really didn’t want to get out of my bed on today,

Heedlessly disregarding the sunlight as it brushed its warmth against my face,

Letting me know that it was the morning of a brand new day,

Yet in my bed under the covers I slothfully laid,

Is it really morning already my insides cried out?

SHHHHH I said to the sun as I took cover to douse,

Move on Mr. Sun, get away and out of my sight,

Please go away Mr. Sun and bring back the hours of night,

So the sun hid behind some clouds that dimmed its light,

Yet within minutes the sun rays began to beam once again more boldly and bright,

Okay, Okay I said earnestly to this big ultra bright light,

I know it’s time to get up now without resistance or fight,

And although I did not want to rise up and out of bed,

I’m grateful FATHER for another day among the living and not the dead!!





My eyes are leaking tears from emotions I cannot contain

Beating all against my face as if being downtrodden by rain

Don’t know how to escape these feelings I face today

Yet I’m not sure if I should avoid them by trying to run away

For I cannot hide my feelings or keep them inside

Therefore I turn to my Source in which to completely confide

Because my Father is the only One who knows the depth of my feelings 

And it is He only that can bring about comfort and healing 

From a broken heart that is shattered into pieces 

Oh Lord my God I need you to gather and mold back together the pieces
To this heart of mine that doesn’t beat quite the same

So God I ask you to do this for me in your Son Jesus’ name

That beautiful Name Lord God, that’s above all names

A Name that’s worthy of all honor and praise

Oh, Mighty are the works of Your Hands 

Mighty God I truly worship Your Name!

Help me Father to once again make it through

Because I’m trusting you Daddy to lead and guide me through!